Tactics are for players not just for coaches

Making Runs Between the CB and FB

One of the most difficult runs to defend for the opposition is the run in between the CB and FB.
In today’s article we will discuss one of the most effective ways a CM can support their striker when playing the 433 formation.

(Figure 1.1)
Jesus makes a run into the center of the pitch to occupy the CB. This ensures that CBs cannot completely focus on Xhaka as he makes the run in between the CB and FB.

(Figure 1.2)
Xhaka now has the opportunity to take on his immediate opposition 1v1 – in this situation he is able to get the shot off on goal.

(Figure 1.3)
Jesus, in addition to his technical abilities and tactical understanding has poacher instincts. He reacts before the CB as the balls falls in front of them after the save from the GK and is able to put the ball in the back of the net.

Lets have a look at the theory of the CM run in between the CB and FB.
(Figure 2.1)
In the typical 433 vs 433 set-up, the midfield players end up in a 1v1 situation.
If the CF can pin the opposition CBs, this 1v1 situation in midfield should remain.
The FB of the defending team is automatically drawn out towards the LM when they are on the ball.
(Figure 2.2)
The 1v1 in midfield means, that if one of the CM players of the attacking team (in our case Xhaka) can get away from his man, he is able to create numerical advantages further up the pitch.
(Figure 2.3)
We can see that the back-4 will have problems as soon as one of the CMs are able to break free from their man and create more numbers in the final attacking third.
Of course the CM of the defending team will very often try track the run, however the point of this strategy is to find the split second where they switch off, and create an advantageous situation for the attacking team.

(Figure 2.4)
Of course the players on the other side of the ball also need to take part and make aggressive runs into the box.
It is important to keep in mind that you will not play vs. passive defenders who will not move. The point is to make quick breaks in order to create situational advantages.

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